Suzume Tachikake

A Cursed Soul

A silent shadow, a deadly blade, a tool to be used and then cast aside over and over. Not much is known about this elusive figure except that where she appears death often follows.


Full Name: Suzume Tachikake
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Race: Au Ra (Raen)
Height: 4 fulms, 9 ilm
Weight: 120 ponze
Build: Wiry
Birthplace: Hingashi
Languages: Common, Doman, Hingan
Voice: Husky
Hair Color: Dark Purple, Pink Highlights
Eye Color: Red
Profession: Sellsword/Assassin
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Forever scowling; don't expect to see an expression on her face that isn't dour or outright hostile, and if you hear her laugh it won't be a kind sound.Succinct; she has little use for excessive words or gestures. Blunt and to the point, she rarely wastes time.Sharp of wit; when she does speak her wit is razor sharp and can cut deep.Untrusting; she hasn't lived this long in her line of business by chance. She always watches her back and keeps a knife ready, even for those she's in business with.Hard drinker; on the rare occasion where she might be out at a bar expect to see her drinking excessively.

RP Hooks

In need of a blade; need the right person for a discrete job? Perhaps she was recommended to you by a shadowy figure.Eastern trappings; she doesn't hide her accent and her clothing usually gives away her eastern origins.The right connections; those with dealings in the Hingan underworld may have heard of her or even dealt with her in the past. Give me a /tell if you'd like to work something out!


OOC Information

Thanks for taking the time to check out my carrd! Little information about the writer, I am 21+ with a over a decade of RP experience in various settings. I accept almost all RP, though I do ask that most things mature, dark, or dangerous are run by me first. I will write these themes, but find discussion and setting expectations helps them run more smoothy - especially with new writing partners.I am usually a para+ writer, though I will mirror when warranted and cut down for group RP to keep things flowing. I am also a slow writer, so I do apologize if my replies take a while (but I hope the wait is usually worth it!).Not every RP scene has to be a big thing! I love to do smaller setups or interactions that might lead to something bigger some day. I love setting up longer term roleplay opportunities and am always looking for new LTRP partners.Anything I missed or still have questions? Send me a /tell! I am very friendly and always willing to answer questions or just chat about themes/approaches. Thanks again!